Why a Hidden Bonus Track?

This hidden bonus track is rewarded to audience who has made purchase of "East-perience" digital album. If you have watched the "Mongolian Incredible Throat Singing" video on Peter Lai's Youtube channel, Mr. Su-Ren Jiabu, the master of Khoomii or throat singing might have already amazed you.
Besides the song titled - "
Praise of Mongolia", Mr. Su-Ren has also recorded this hidden track - "Sun Rising" during the same session. However, the post production took much longer than it was expected. Therefore, we have decided to distribute this song as a bonus track.
Sun Rising - the hidden bonus track
Decades of serious instrumental music
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How to get the Hidden Bonus Track?
Step 1.
Download the song here!

Step 2.
Email us to get your password with the requirements below;
You should include your purchase details, or simply attach a copy of the invoice issued by the online music
store. Cover up any personal details such as telephone numbers and residential address. We just want to
confirm that you have already purchased "East-perience" (any single track). We do not collect any personal
data at all! 

Step 3.
Extract the WinRAR file with the password we have returned to your email address.
If you have not yet purchased East-perience
digital album, why not take a closer look?
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East-perience digital album released on 31/08/12. *Bonus track - Praise of Mongolia featuring the master of  throat singing - Su'Ren Jiabu (Inner Mongolia)
Contents by Kenji Workshop. All rights reserved. Copy prohibited.
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